Sorry I did not post while I was in Mexico...I am having computer issues. I had to use the McCoy's computer and so I would just spend a few minutes checking emails and updating my facebook. It takes me a while to write a post...I probably think about it too much.
Anyways, I have one story after another I would love to share, but since they are old I will just put them in my next Newsletter. Today I just want to say I am thrilled to be home to visit with family and friends, but I feel a little lost and bored. My days are filled on the least till night fall. I am busy teaching and playing with the kids. I am helping with preparations for the weekend group. And then there are many little random things that pop up. I also had begun adjusting to that new way of life...showers every 2 to 3 days, no heat, light, or TV, unpolluted night skies, authentic Mexican food, etc!
Everyone here is working and so I am floundering trying to find things to do. It gives me time to read and journal and pray! I guess I can't complain about that =)